Xavier Fine Arts Theatre
1600 W. Prospect Avenue
Appleton, WI
Masks are optional.
COVID-19 Protocols are subject to changes and updates at any time.
Xavier Fine Arts Theatre
1600 W. Prospect Avenue
Appleton, WI
Masks are optional.
COVID-19 Protocols are subject to changes and updates at any time.
Please review the volunteer needs in this section and choose the areas you can help with. Volunteers are vital to the success of the production.
Parents, spouses, family members, relatives and neighbors are all welcome and encouraged.
Please note that all adults who are working with children in any capacity must complete VIRTUS training.
There will be a sign-up genius for non-cast members to sign up to help at shows at a later date.
Select as many areas as you like by clicking in the box next to the task. When done, click "Submit" to complete your registration.
Click logos for more info